soal TI

1. What is NSFNET?
     a. National Science Foundation Network
     b. North Science and Foundation Network
     c. National Society and Foundation Network
     d. National Society and Farmer Network
2. Which one the aplication bellow that has funtion to chatting is...
     a. FTP                           b.IRC
     c.  E_MAIL                   d. MILIS
3. What is HTML ?
     a. Hyper Text Mark us Language
     b. Hyper Text Mark is Language
     c. Hyper Text Mark in Language
     d. Hyper Text Markup Language
4. The internet plays an important role in banking. Next, it provides money withdrawal service via  ATM. What is ATM ?
     a. Annual Teller Machine
     b. Automatic Teller Machine
     c. Automatic Teller Modul
     d. Analitic Teller Machine
5. What is WWW ?
     a. Wide Web World
     b. World Wide Web
     c. Web Wide World
     d. World Web World
6. which is the domain that use for commercial or pains ?
     a. com                            c. gov
     b. edu                             d. org
7. Jaringan komputer yang terdapat dalam sebuah gedung dan perkantoran disebut..
     a. LAN                            c. MAN
     b. WAN                          d. PAN
8. Di bawah ini merupakan domain untuk institusi pendidikan adalah...
     a. com                            c. gov
     b. edu                             d. org
9. at 1969, DARPA was construct the internet that known as...
    a. DARPA                       c. APJII
    d. ARPANET                  d. UNIK
10. Below are software to get internet connection, except...
    a. mouse                         c. E-mail
    b. Ms. Intenet Explorer   d. IRC